District Happenings – July 2020

Deb Eddings   -  


Gather the whole family around your device and join our District family for this virtual live-stream experience. This time together will be filled with stories of how God has been moving across the Pittsburgh District, music by our District Worship Team, Prayer, and a challenging message from our District Superintendent, Rev. Dan Eddings, as he calls us to PRAY, SEEK, and TURN.
Log in to our website pghnaz.org that evening to be a part of this All-District event.
In conjunction with that night, we are putting together some videos that will be shown during that event.
1) Faces of Pittsburgh District –
· Looking for video clips of people from our churches all around the district just waving hello to the camera.These should be very brief, filled with smiles, and maybe some identification of where you are from (church or town signs)
2) God Is On the Move 
· These 1-2min videos should briefly describe what God has been doing in and through the people of the Pittsburgh District. Rehearse before you video to be sure to include the important information that gets the point across as briefly as possible.

Video should be uploaded to the link below by July 1st. Please note we may not be able to use all of the videos, but we still want to hear your stories so don’t be shy!


RV PARK is OPEN for Camper and Tent camping!
We have some modifications in place to comply with state regulations, but this is a great place to spend a weekend away for the whole family. Located 6.4 miles from beautiful Moraine State Park, which provides opportunities for hiking, boating, swimming and more, this is a great vacation destination.
MCNC Lodging Rooms are also available for nightly rental!
With rooms that house 2-6 guests, we are happy to  provide an affordable stay for your time away,
Snack Shack Open July 27-31!   
Many of your Snack Shack favorites will be available for take out during lunch (12-2pm) and dinner (5-7pm) that week. A full menu will be posted on the Mt. Chestnut website, on Facebook at Mount Chestnut Retreat Center, and on Instagram at @nazcenter and @mtc_dining. We would love to see our district family throughout that week and hope that you will be able to come on over and help support your District Center.
   Work & Witness Opportunities at the District Center
You don’t have to go far to use your gifts and talents for the building of the Kingdom. The following facility projects could use volunteers and/or funding:
– Outdoor security lighting installation
– Yard clean-up
– Installation of the Hammock Park
– Public Fire Pit
– Paint the MPB
– Tree removal
– Tabernacle platform railings
– Staining
– Dorm 1 renovation

Why not organize a small group from your church and come for a day or two?
We’ll provide meals and lodging based upon availability.

Thanks for supporting this vital ministry of our district!
Mt. Chestnut hosts many events outside of camps that are open to you. Interested in attending a fall or spring retreat, check out our website https://mtchestnutcenter.org/ and scroll down to “Upcoming Events” for more information.


Share this as a great option for higher education to those juniors and seniors that you know!
For admissions info or to schedule a visit to your church contact the

Click here or call 1-800-88-ENC-88


Conneaut Valley

Rev. Marshall Lillie is celebrating the baptism of 5 children from the same family on June 14.
Concerts?   Revivals?   Retreats?   Seminars?   Webcasts?   Celebrations?
If you have any events happening in your church that those on the district can be a part of send info to the District Office by the 3rd week of each month and we will advertise here.
We are stronger together!


District Work & Witness Trip
January 15 – 29, 2021
Ministering to the Rowenas Community in Taytay
Click here for detailed information.
Crisis Care Kits:
Please continue to prepare crisis care kits since they will always be needed and won’t expire. As you are packing the kits, pray for the people who will be receiving them. Remember to send a check $18 per box.

School Pal Packs:
Remember to make Pal Paks as well as the CCKs.  The check per box is $15.

Where to send Crisis Care Kits & School Pal Pak Checks:
Please remember to make your check payable to Pittsburgh District NMI and MAIL it to Debby Shutak 428 Great Belt Rd., Butler PA 16002

Victory Live: A Digital Youth Experience.

July 19 – July 23 from 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm each evening, we have the opportunity to participate via YouTube Live with our district and districts throughout our field for this collaborative effort by local members of NYI across the Eastern Field to create a five-night digital worship experience that will renew, build, and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Victory Live will include worship from Royal Company and various youth bands, engaging speakers with live digital interactions and so much more.                      Click here to register.

NYI Field Day

Battle of the Zones

August 1st 10am-4pm @ MCNC

Join us for a fun filled day full of games, food, and worship!

Our 11 zones will compete against one another in various challenges that will test participants physically and mentally. On top of that, we will have a fantastic BBQ style meal together, which will include ribs, chicken, mac & cheese, and more. We will also be spending some time together in directed prayer and worship.

This event is open to students who have completed 6th – 12th grades.

The cost will be $5 per person. You must register!

Would you like to participate next year?  Host a quizmeet?  Start a ministry?  Contact Kerry Purnell.
Check out our website on pittnyi.com/bible-quizzingHappy Quizzing!


July 25th 10am-4pm @ MCNC

We’re going to have a blast with games, crafts, worship and more! We will have a choice of chicken nuggets or tacos for lunch. Join us for this fun day with our district friends!

Registration will begin at 9:30 and Kidz Camp in a Day will officially kick off at 10am! Kidz will be ready for pick up at 4pm.  The cost will be $5 per child.  REGISTER HERE!

SDMI Statistics Reporting
Please be sure to send your monthly SDMI reports to Sheila Johnson at [email protected] or call 724-938-2589.
*NOTE: this is not the district office email address.


Pittsburgh District Learning Center: Rev. Peter Roy, Director
Next PDLC Course is:

Developing a Missional Church

Dates: July 10-11, 24-25; August 14-15
FRIDAYS- 6:30 – 10:00 PM  
SATURDAYS- 8:30AM – 12noon & 12:30 – 5:00 PM
Location: Mt. Chestnut Nazarene Retreat Center, 175 North Road Conference Room, Butler, PA 16001.
Cost: $150.00. This class is open for audit for a fee of only $50.00.
To register: Email Rev. Peter S. Roy PDLC Director for a registration form.

Pittsburgh District Learning Center South Extension: Dr. Ken Culbertson, Director
South extension: the Crossbridge Learning Center (CLC) provides ministerial training to students. Each course requires approximately 30 hours of class work. 

Providing Christian Education for all Ages

Dates: , August 29, September 12 & 26
SATURDAYS- 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Location: South Hills Church of the Nazarene, 5601 Library Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15102
Cost: $50.00 to audit the course or take it for credit toward ordination; course materials are available online at no cost.
To register: Email Pastor Jennifer Irwin

 If there is any church news or activity you would like included in
The Happenings, please email the office.

District Advisory Board Members: Rev. Leon Blaise, Rev. Rod Johnson, Rev. Angela Kress, Rev. Nathan Zipfel; Darcy Bell, Rob Lute, Dana Young, Laurene Timmons.

Allocation checks should be sent to the following departments and made payable as noted:
District Ministry Fund –                                                                                      Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene.
Mail to District Treasurer 177 North Road, Butler, PA 16001
NMI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District NMIMail to Debra Shutak, 428 Great Belt Road, Butler, PA 16002.
SDMI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District SDMIMail to Julie Beckley, 153 Fitz Henry Rd., Smithton, PA 15479.
NYI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District NYIMail to Tom Aaron, 141 Supervisor Drive, West Newton, PA 15089.
ENC – Make checks payable to ENCMail to ENC, 23 East Elm Avenue, Quincy, MA 02170.
WTG Club – Makes checks payable to District WTGMail to Renea Howe, 39422 Hwy 408, Titusville, PA  16354