If there is any church news or activity you would like included in The Happenings, please email the office. ______________________________________________________________District Advisory Board Members: Rev. Leon Blaise, Rev. Rod Johnson, Rev. Angela Kress, Rev. Nathan Zipfel; Darcy Bell, Rob Lute, Dana Young, Laurene Timmons. Allocation checks should be sent to the following departments and made payable as noted: District Ministry Fund – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene. Mail to District Treasurer 177 North Road, Butler, PA 16001 NMI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District NMI. Mail to Debra Shutak, 428 Great Belt Road, Butler, PA 16002. SDMI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District SDMI. Mail to Julie Beckley, 153 Fitz Henry Rd., Smithton, PA 15479. NYI – Make checks payable to Pittsburgh District NYI. Mail to Tom Aaron, 141 Supervisor Drive, West Newton, PA 15089. ENC – Make checks payable to ENC. Mail to ENC, 23 East Elm Avenue, Quincy, MA 02170. WTG Club – Makes checks payable to District WTG. Mail to Renea Howe, 39422 Hwy 408, Titusville, PA 16354 |