
Clergy Development

The Pittsburgh District Clergy Development


Welcome to Pittsburgh District's Clergy Development portion of the webpage.

We are excited that you are here and seeking to take steps to fulfill God's call.

Steps to Follow

Local Ministers License

“A Local Minister is a lay member of the Church of the Nazarene whom the local church board has licensed for ministry under the Pastor’s direction.” (Manual, 213).  This license does not grant title “pastor” or “reverend.” It also does not grant authority to officiate functions such as weddings.

If you are seeking to pursue a local license please follow the following steps:

  • Speak with your local Church Pastor
  • Submit an application for a local minister license to the Local Pastor which if recommended, will conduct with the church Board the required interview.
    Required Questions for Church Board Interview:

    • Has the candidate read the Church Constitution (part 2 of church manual), The Covenant of Christian Conduct (Part 3 of the church manual), The Call and Qualifications of the Church Minister (sections 500-502.6), and The Filings, Suspension, Resignation, or Revocation of a Ministerial Credential (sections 531-531.7)?
    • Does the candidate have a clear testimony of salvation?
    • Does the candidate testify to being sanctified?
    • Does the candidate witness to a sense of being called of God to a life of ministerial service?
    • Is the candidate active in local church ministry?
    • Is the candidate responsive to pastoral and local church leadership?
    • If applicable, does the candidate’s spose appear supportive of the candidate’s calling?
    • Is the candidate a faithful tither?
    • Does the candidate demonstrate financial responsibility, such as being current on all debts and obligations?
    • In your judgment, does the candidate demonstrate the following:
      • An ability to relate well with others?
      • A teachable spirit?
      • Patterns of servanthood?
      • Gifts and graces for Ministry?
    • In what ways is the candidate’s spiritual growth, emotional health, and understanding of ministry evident?
    • Items to be collected:
      • Criminal background check (employee, not volunteer)
      • Request for Verification Credential History

Once these steps have been accomplished, the pastor should send copies of all documents to the District Secretary ([email protected]).

Ministerial Studies (Classes Toward Ordination)

Ministerial education is designed to assist in the
preparation of God-called ministers whose service is vital to
the expansion and extension of the holiness message into new areas of evangelistic opportunity” (Manual, 208)

An individual must complete a validated course of study to be invited for ordination.  Please refer to the church manual for further information regarding a validated course of study.

Click here
for additional information regarding Pittsburgh District’s validated Course of Study.  

First TIme District Ministers License

An individual receiving a district license is “a licensed minister  whose ministerial calling and
gifts have been formally recognized by the district assembly through the granting of a ministerial license.” (Manual, 214).

Prior to being approved for a District License, the following must be completed:

  • The candidate must complete the District Assessment Weekend.  The following is required to meet eligibility:
    • Hold a Local License for a minimum of 1 year
    • The Local Pastor, with the approval of the Local Church Board, should submit a recommendation for District License to the District Secretary a minimum of 60 days prior to the scheduled Assessment weekend.
    • The candidate must submit an application for the District License to the District Secretary
    • Successful completion of a minimum of 6 courses from a validated course of study through the Church of the Nazarene with the following courses included:
      • History and Polity of Church of the Nazarene
      • Doctrine of Holiness
      • Recommended:  The Practice of Christian Ministry
    • Upon meeting the above criteria, if applicable, the Assessment Director will provide an official invitation to participate in Assessment Weekend.  At that time, additional documentation must be completed, including an application for a district license and if applicable, any information regarding a previous divorce.
  • The candidate will be required to participate in a interview with the Board of Ministry.  If applicable, the spouse is required to also attend.
Renewal of District Ministers License (Repeated Annually)

District Licenses must be renewed annually which includes an interview with the Board of Ministry.


“While affirming the scriptural tenet of the universal priesthood and ministry of all believers,
ordination reflects the biblical belief that God calls and gifts certain men and women for ministerial leadership in the church. Ordination is the authenticating, authorizing act of the Church, which recognizes and confirms God’s call to ministerial leadership as stewards and proclaimers of the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. Consequently, ordination bears witness to the Church universal and the world at large that this candidate evidences an exemplary life of holiness, possesses gifts and graces for public ministry, and has a thirst for knowledge, especially for the Word of God, and has the capacity to communicate sound doctrine.” (Manual, 199)