
Schedule & Registration

Register for Upcoming PDLC Classes

Registration is Now Open!

PDLC classes are currently offered every other weekend (Friday Evenings and Saturday Mornings/afternoons).
During late Spring, the new year classes are expected to be posted. Plan accordingly.

Payment can be made online or via check. If mailing a check, please make payable to Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene. Mark in the memo section PDLC & the specific class for which it reflects. Mail payment to: District Office, 177 North Rd, Butler, PA 16001.

$150 for Regular Student (taking for Ministry credit)
$50 for Audit

Lodging for class weekends may be available free of charge if rooms are available - based upon first come first serve. Retreats and District events will take priority. Confirmation of room availability will be provided one week prior to class start date. Registration for class is needed to confirm necessary lodging.

Fall 2024 / Spring 2025

HIS 2023
Western World and the Modern Emerging Society
 BIB 2033
New Testament Gospels
 PAS 3033
Christian Preaching I
 PAS 3043
Christian Preaching II
Brenda Faverty Rev. Zachary Hatch  Rev. Marshall Lillie Rev. Marshall Lillie
Sept 20/ 21  2024Nov 8/9 2024 Feb 28/March 1 2025 April 11 /12 2025
Oct 4 / 5  2024Nov 22/23 2024 March 7 / 8 2025 April 25/26 2025
Oct 25 / 26  2024*Dec 6/7 2024 April 4 / 5 2025May 9/10 2025
 * due to conflict, the date has been changed from previously published dateDec 12/14*
*determined during class

Previously Offered Classes

FALL 2021
  1.  Pauline Epistles
  2. Intro to Old Testament
  1. The Pentateuch
  2. Western World Modern & Emerging Society
  3. Global Evangelism
  4. Spiritual Formation
FALL 2022
  1. Hebrew Prophets
  2. Intro to New Testament
  1. New Testament Gospels
  2. Systematic Theology I
  3. Systematic Theology II
  4. Doctrine of Holiness
Fall 2023
  1. Leadership of Christian Education & Ministries
  2. Pauline Epistles
  1. The Pentateuch
  2. Developing a Missional Church
  3. The Practice of Christian Ministry